Colour poster featuring a cartoon of a man on a ladder negotiating between officials in a building with an EU flag on it and two citizens standing outside.
Colour poster entitled 'Avec le Traité de Lisbonne, Vous Détenez la Pièce Manquante!' featuring a photograph of a woman holding jigsaw pieces, with a background of the EU flag and the logo of the European Parliament.
Colour poster entitled '457 millions de citoyens ont la même adresse' featuring a photograph of dogs sitting on the doorsteps of a house; each one has a different EU newspaper in its mouth.
Colour poster entitled 'BepiColombo: Comprehensive Exploration of Planet Mercury' featuring an illustration of the planet Mercury with two orbiting spacecraft, and the logo of the European Space Agency (ESA).
Colour poster entitled 'Des photos de vacances insolites?' featuring a photograph of a woman with her arm in a plaster cast sitting in an airport, and the logo of the European Health Insurance Card.
Colour poster entitled 'Women Peace and Security', featuring a background made up of photographs on the theme of women, peace and security with the logo of the European Union.