Colour poster entitled '10 benefits of trade' featuring blocks of text in blocks with illustrations. (The poster accompanied the launch of former EU Trade Commissioner, Karel De Gucht’s trade policy.)
Colour poster entitled 'Avec le Traité de Lisbonne, Vous Détenez la Pièce Manquante!' featuring a photograph of a woman holding jigsaw pieces, with a background of the EU flag and the logo of the European Parliament.
Colour poster entitled '457 millions de citoyens ont la même adresse' featuring a photograph of dogs sitting on the doorsteps of a house; each one has a different EU newspaper in its mouth.
Colour poster entitled 'Die Multimedia-Wissensbank zur Geschichte Europas' featuring a black and white photograph of Joseph Bech, Paul-Henri Spaak and Jan Willem Beyen at the Messina Conference (1-3 June 1955), and the logo of ENA (The European…