Civic News, Number 36
Bristol College of Science and Technology Prospectus, 1960-1961
Lecture notes on the evolution of modern industrial organisation
Euston Arch, London
Centre for the Study of the History of Technology press release
Saving Bristol's industrial heritage
Survey of the industrial archaeology of the Bristol region
Centre for the Study of the History of Technology leaflet
Industrial archaeology adult education course
Industrial archaeology course outline
Proposal to establish the Bristol Industrial Archaeological Society
Bristol Industrial Archaeological Society constitution
BIAS Bulletin Number 1
BIAS Journal Volume 1
BIAS Journal Volume 2
Bristol Industrial Archaeological Society winter lecture programme
Bath Conference on Industrial Archaeology
Bristol Industrial Archaeological Society survey of turnpike roads
Ironbridge Gorge Museum Trust working party report
Industrial Archaeology of Bristol Region
Industrial History in Pictures
Public lecture on industrial heritage, 1972
Stothert and Pitt historic steam engine
The Industrial Archaeology of the Isle of Man
Association for Industrial Archaeology constitution
AIA conference 1973 diary entries
Cain Bridge, Isle of Man
Laxey Wheel, Isle of Man
Bradda Hair Road, Port Erin, Isle of Man
Association for Industrial Archaeology inaugural meeting
AIA Bulletin 1.1
Narrow Boat
Isambard Kingdom Brunel
AIA Bulletin 1.2
AIA Rolt Symposium leaflet
Brass name plate
Honorary degree awarded to L. T. C. Rolt
Engineering Heritage: Highlights from the History of Mechanical Engineering
Ploughing by Steam
Waltham Abbey Brochure
Brunel: The Life and Times of Isambard Kingdom Brunel
Potworks: The Industrial Architecture of the Staffordshire Potteries
Centre for the History of Technology, Science and Society Jubilee Report
Industrial Monuments and Sites: Prehistory to the Present